The first time that I wrote a story and shared it was when I was eight years old, I read my story to the kids in my neighborhood. I started writing poetry in high school and have never stopped. I have published over thirty poems and two short stories in a few online journals. I have been published in the Illinois State Poetry Society Anthology 2014 edition. I am currently working on a novel with the completion of a first draft. (Now the work really begins) I have read my poetry in a small pubs and a book store in Knoxville Tennessee. I have also done some public readings in Illinois at various venues. I am a writer, enjoy photography and dabble in art. I grew up in Connecticut and Massachusetts and have lived in Illinois for many years.
The Heart of a Poet
by Richard Ellis Shaw

The Heart of a Poet
by Richard Ellis Shaw
Published Mar 30, 2015
46 Pages
Genre: POETRY / American / General
Book Details
Words used to link the emotions of the heart and the rational view of the mind into a poetic palate that can for a brief moment form a connection between the writer and the reader.
Poetry is the creation of an image, an emotion or even a picture in the mind of the reader. To do this a poet must choose his or her words carefully. The power of one word is truly tested within the lines of a poem. Poetry is the medium that I have chosen to paint some pictures for you of characters, views of nature and relationships. This is a book about relationships, with others, with nature, and with characters, I have met on my journey. As you read my book if you find a piece of yourself in a poem or a memory stirred for a moment lets you smile or even a character who is familiar to you, then I will have been successful in my writing.