If I Could Talk to the Trees

Children's Outdoor Adventures

by Carol Weygandt Smedley

If I Could Talk to the Trees

If I Could Talk to the Trees

Children's Outdoor Adventures

by Carol Weygandt Smedley

Published Dec 11, 2020
25 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / General


Book Details

CHILDREN’S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES with secrets of nature and it’s very survival. discovertheforest.org



About the Author

Carol Weygandt Smedley

I have loved the outdoors and photography, for as long as I can remember. Being from a family of seven, had a lot to do with that. They are some of my fondest memories. I then spent five years studying Latin, botany, and horticulture at the well known Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. I had my own landscape business for about fifteen years when we lost our oldest daughter. Then came our two beautiful grandchildren by our only other child. Owen and Addison, literally saved my life. I recently have suffered a spinal injury doing a paver sidewalk that called for spinal fusion surgery( twice.) And these are the outdoor adventures that I wrote for them. My vision now is to share them with all children. To excite them on this subject. There are ten stories full of great information for boys and girls. Clues on every page to help them appreciate and preserve the nature of the world around them. I hope that you enjoy them as well.

Also by Carol Weygandt Smedley

If I Could Talk to the Flowers
If I Could Run with the Critters
If I Could Fly with the Birds
If I Could Fly with the Birds_eBook