Book Details

The Fight for Freedom Begins!

On Planet Zayin, a world of gleaming spires and towers, Prince Taal, Princess Liron, and General Tor-ox fight the forces of Prime Minister Mabus-Tel who has overthrown the monarchy. Who will win the war for control of Zayin, the Zagana Rebellion or Mabus-Tel and Amgog? The fight for freedom begins.

Here is my book web site:


About the Author

Josh Goldstein

Josh Goldstein is an author of five previous books including four graphic novels and one book currently out of publication. He is a graduate of Stockton University in Historical Studies. He lives in Cherry Hill, NJ, and loves Mr.Pibb.

Contact me here:

Also by Josh Goldstein

Maccabee Lady
Maccabee Lady
Maccabee Lady
Maccabee Lady (eBook Edition)