Maccabee Lady


by Josh Goldstein


Book Details

Maccabee Lady: Exodus is another graphic novel from sequential artist Josh Goldstein. It is a collection of stories about the popular Israeli superhero you are soon to enjoy. If you like capes, large explosions, and great artwork buy it. Readers 12+ are the intended audience of this book. If you like comics, you will like Maccabee Lady: Exodus.


About the Author

Josh Goldstein

The artwork and writing is done by graphic novelist Josh Goldstein. He is a graduate of Stockton University, where he has a Bachelor of Arts in Historical Studies and an Associate Degree from Burlington County College in History. He is the author of three other books including graphic novels Maccabee Lady: Hatikva, Maccabee Lady: Zion, and Zayin: Wars of Independence. All books are available from Barnes &Noble, Outskirts Press, and eBay. He is currently working on several projects and doing comic books shows in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Also by Josh Goldstein

Maccabee Lady
Maccabee Lady