WOMEN - God's Second Greatest Gift to Humanity

by Alexander Folk


Book Details

If Women Are God’s Second Greatest Gift What is the First?

In this captivating book Alexander shares his thoughts on the mystique of women. It is his opinion that women are not being appreciated for who they are and all the wonderful things they do. So he invites you to tag along as he expounds on subjects like the power of women, who women really are, the miracles women perform and some of the many reasons why women should be loved, respected and appreciated. After reading this book I truly believe every women will come away with the knowledge of how wonderful God made her and who she really is and every man should gain insight on how incredibly short sighted we can be. This book is also a great way to teach our children how to love, respect and appreciate the second greatest gift God gave us, Women!


About the Author

Alexander Folk

Alexander Folk was born in Los Angeles California on May 30,1946. He graduated from John C. Fremont High School where he is a member of the Hall of Fame. His appreciation for females started in kindergarten when he realized he only wanted to be around the girls and his love for women continues to blossom today. He was bitten by the acting bug after he got a standing ovation at the age of twelve following his performance in a play at The First AME Church in Los Angeles. He went on to perform in over 150 movies, commercials and television shows now he has added writing books to his list. He is on a mission and will not stop until women are recognized as the beautiful and awesome creations God intended them to be. It is time we all asked ourselves where do we stand on the issue of women!



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