Knowing the Way

Navigational Tips for Salvation: Second Edition

by Edward Kleinguetl

Knowing the Way

Knowing the Way

Navigational Tips for Salvation: Second Edition

by Edward Kleinguetl

Published Aug 16, 2024
114 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Spirituality


Book Details

“I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)

Relativism, secularism, sectarianism, wokeness, political correctness, increased hostility towards Christian values and the Church, desertion by the flock—does anyone else feel like we have become strangers in a strange land? Our world has gone bonkers!

Today, we live in a society that has forgotten God, and being separated from him, the results are evident: Increasing restlessness, selfishness, depression, despair, hopelessness, and nihilism. This is not the life God desires for us.

If we find ourselves lost or separated from the Source of Life, we need to find our way back. But how? Jesus told us: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It’s time to reexamine how to attain the abundant life that Jesus promised us: Happiness and fulfillment in this life and the life to come. We do not need to overthink it. We just need to return to the principles of our faith—the right faith being a living relationship with the ever-living God.

“Oh, Christian who has gotten drunk on love of the world! Sober up, while there is still time, and look for the heavenly blessings that God promised to those who love him, lest you seek them later, but do not receive them.” (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Also by Edward Kleinguetl

Into the Desert
Choosing Life in Christ A Vocation to Holiness
The Fruit of Silence
The Fruit of Prayer
Mine Know Me
The Narrow Gate
Rejoice in Hope