Rejoice in Hope
Thriving in a Spiritual Recession
by Edward Kleinguetl

Rejoice in Hope
Thriving in a Spiritual Recession
by Edward Kleinguetl
Published Jan 05, 2023
60 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Spirituality
Book Details
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” (1 Pet. 3:15)
Do you want to go heaven? This is the most important question we need to ask ourselves. Is getting to heaven our single-most important priority in life? Today, the signs indicate we are in a spiritual recession. The fervor of faith is cooling. Many have separated themselves from God, the true source of life, deprived of his life-giving mercy. The landscape has become increasingly bleak as people lose hope, giving into the spirit of the age. We are teetering on spiritual bankruptcy.
To thrive in a spiritual recession, we must grow rich in what matters to God, striving for a life of holiness, obedient to the commandments of Jesus Christ, relying on divine grace, and seeking knowledge from above. This means focusing our efforts on that which matters most: Getting to heaven. We must regain the Art of Spiritual Life in which, even in the midst of spiritual poverty, we can find peace and joy, the abundant life that God wishes for us. Heaven is our true home, where there will be no pain, sorrow, or mourning. Are we building up the Kingdom of Heaven in our hearts, investing in our future? Or are storing up treasures on earth that moth and decay will destroy? Where do we want our final destiny to be?