Living By Faith_eBook

Living the Exciting Life of Believing God

by Bishop Eric A. Lambert, Jr.


Living By Faith_eBook

Living the Exciting Life of Believing God

by Bishop Eric A. Lambert, Jr.

Published Aug 02, 2024
160 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General


Book Details

It is time to begin putting your faith to work!

You cannot please God without faith, but when you walk in faith—when you believe that God’s will can be accomplished in your life—nothing is impossible. If you’ve ever struggled with your beliefs or would like to improve your walk of faith in the Lord Jesus, Living By Faith is for you! Learn new principles of faith and receive the miracle you have prayed about in this simple yet powerful, results-oriented book.


About the Author

Bishop Eric A. Lambert, Jr.

Bishop Eric A. Lambert, Jr. has served as pastor of Bethel Deliverance International Church for over 35 years. He is determined to bring the people of God to a new level of faith in Christ and has a keen insight into how faith can work with our natural senses and psychological development. Bishop Lambert lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Sheila. They have one daughter, Shaneena, and a godson, Darius. Bishop Lambert has a master’s degree in forensic psychology and speaks fluent Italian.

Also by Bishop Eric A. Lambert, Jr.

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Living By Faith