Tina Oliver is a children's book author sharing her love of making. She enjoys sharing her skills with anyone who wants to learn and has created the Aunt Tina series in the hopes others will do the same, making friends and creating extended family along the way. Aunt Tina wants to encourage others to be creative and try new things. Creativity is important and there are endless ways to create while learning. Young, old, or in between we can always learn something new.
Aunt Tina Likes to Sew
by Tina Oliver

Aunt Tina Likes to Sew
by Tina Oliver
Published Oct 24, 2024
24 Pages
Book Details
Learn something new everyday! Today Aunt Tina will share how sewing can help give things more use.
Another addition to the Aunt Tina series! Today Aunt Tina shares her love of sewing and stories of how she learned. She will show a friend how to mend and explain that everyday items don't have to be thrown away. Making things by hand and giving old items new life is something we should all try to do more. Trying new things is fun! Let's learn something new everyday!