Book Details

HISTORY: THE CURRENT and THE TRUTH, is a book that speaks about both political issues and racial issues. Including the fact that they want to silence us by pretending that racial hate no longer exists. The truth is, it does exist. Yet, they want to hide it, remove it, ban it, even play the blame game. But despite this despicable evil, it’s up to us all to stand up against these systemic issues that continue to hold us back from a world that we all deserve to live in without some of us having to die because our skin color doesn’t apply to those who don’t see Black lives as being equal to White lives. And with that being said, be a part of change, not the shame that we continue to see that should be appalling to us all.

This They Cannot Hide


About the Author

Gina Luv

Gina Luv is a poet, writer and author. She is also a believer of faith and of God. We know she has a goal to make a difference by encouraging love over hate. For more info about Gina Luv, please visit:

Also by Gina Luv

These Tears I Cry
Freedom, Liberty and Justice Should Hold No Barriers