Book Details


LOVE not Hate was written and inspired by Gina Luv in the hopes of making a difference. As we know, the work of change still has a ways to go. That being said, this beautiful book of poems inspires a difference in many, many ways as Gina Luv, once again, touches on many important topics. Each topic expresses and encourages the importance of love over hate, in which, Gina Luv speaks of the simplest things that we can do to create positive change, starting with simple respect for one another. She also encourages for us to love and respect ourselves, who we are, our worth; as well as, she inspires and encourages us to believe in ourselves, even through the struggles and battles in our lives, in which, she uses the terms, “You’ve got this,” “You are not alone, and together, we can get through it.” In this book, Gina Luv also shares her own struggle of not loving herself enough at one time, which led to self-harm and not feeling worthy. Now, as a message to herself, in one of her poems, she expresses, “I owe it to myself to say, ‘I’m sorry.’” She also gives all the glory and praise to God.


About the Author

Gina Luv

Gina Luv is a poet, writer and author. She is also a believer of faith and of God. We know she has a goal to make a difference by encouraging love over hate. For more info about Gina Luv, please visit:

Also by Gina Luv

These Tears I Cry
Freedom, Liberty and Justice Should Hold No Barriers
History: The Current and the Truth