As we journey through Life, ups and downs are found by us all. In this journey, I have met many individuals who helped me form my thoughts on Life and Death. I have had three life-threatening medical problems, and by all statistics, I should be dead. Maybe my reason to still be here is to share some stories and myths and legends. “Near-death experiences, you say?” Perhaps I will find out some day.
Mind Walking the Eons of Mystical Memories
by Joseph Basil Giletto

Mind Walking the Eons of Mystical Memories
by Joseph Basil Giletto
Published May 19, 2023
200 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Epic
Book Details
To Fly in the Warmth of Eternity’s Sunrise and Kiss the Joy as you Fly.
Chung is a Samurai born in the 1200s. He enters infinite numbers of Nows and dimensions through portals and, in this way, can Time travel. Mind Walking the Eons of Mystical Memories sees Chung search and find his Lost Love, Soft Moon Rising. Eleven stories of Mystical Memories tell of Cosmic Consciousness and stories of rebirth, Mysticism, sacrifice, honor, and Love traveling the Eons. In addition, a brief discussion of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. These tablets are thought to be a gift from the Atlanteans. Thought to contain the secrets of the essence of all matter. It leads to the elixir of Life and immortality and thus is the prime reference source for alchemy. Thoth is an Egyptian god. He was revered from 6000 to 3000 BC. The Emerald Tablets were thought to be written in hieroglyphs and translated in the 2nd century AD. Mystical Memories echo Elocuously Throughout the Eons. “I slip between worlds at Sunset. We dare to dream as Sunset is when Mystics come out to play. Forgotten stories of Heros can be found among the stars. When there is only fear and hate in the world, Legends of one lone individual or group winning against insurmountable odds are found among the stars. All to bring Hope to subjugate fear and hate and allow Peace and Understanding to steer the Stars.”