As we journey through life, ups and downs are found. I have met many individuals who helped me form my thought on life and death. Unfortunately, I have had three life-threatening medical problems, and I should be dead by all statistics. But maybe my reason for still being here is to share some stories, myths, and legends. Near-death experiences, you say? Perhaps, I will find out someday. Joseph Basil Giletto is my given name. I had many illnesses and should be dead. Somehow I survived, and the end result was along this journey, I turned around and found my Soul and found Serenity. In my search for Serenity, I started writing short stories about stories around one main fictional character-Chung, a consummate Samurai.
Esabeau ... The Face of Love
To Fly in the warmth of Eternity’s Sunrise and kiss the Joy as you Fly.
by Joseph Basil Giletto

Esabeau ... The Face of Love
To Fly in the warmth of Eternity’s Sunrise and kiss the Joy as you Fly.
by Joseph Basil Giletto
Published Jul 19, 2022
26 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Action & Adventure
Book Details
Mystical Memories Echo Elocuously Through the Eons
Ah! To Travel the Eons with your Mind! You will find rich Mystical Memories among the Stars if you dare. Chung, a consummate Samurai, was fighting very evil marauders. A whisper was to his right. Chung spun around to strike but stopped as that transcendental moment melted into the oneness of Time of crystal clarity cacophony. He saw the most Beautiful Esabeau with Crystal Blue Eyes. Eyes so beautiful it was like seeing the stars of the heavens in her eyes reflecting to brightening your heart. Chung suddenly had severe pain in his heart’s soul’s blood. He perceived the Pain in Esabeau’s heart. His warrior beasts came forth in response, and all merged with Chung’s soul’s blood. Chung the Rage was brought forth from the Ether of Eternity. Chung the Rage fell to one knee as a Knight would in olden times. Rage listened, and he could hear the Child of Crystal Blue. Then, with great fury, Rage did the impossible. He tore through Dimension and Time to find the Child with the song. A song with the Cosmic Rhythms cascading . . . echoing with the Universal Gongs. Rage burst into the reality of the evil that held the pure, the beauty . . . the Child of Crystal Sorrow. Rage did grab…Rage did crush and vanquish with only one motion; the evil of evils was no more. Rage returned the Child to Crystal Blue . . . Ah, To see The Face of Love…again . . .