The Ups and Down of an Ethnic Identity

by Alexander Rassogianis


Book Details

Straddling two cultures can be tough—but it can also be a blessing!

In this nostalgic memoir, American author Alexander Rassogianis celebrates his Greek ethnicity and the joy of having two cultures from which to draw enrichment. The book is a collection of vignettes from Alexander’s childhood that will entertain and amuse. From creating a nickname, Al, in elementary school (what could be more American than that?), ditching Greek school to play Ping-Pong at Columbus Park, and finding his mother’s Greek pastry after she spent hours trying to hide it, Alexander shares what it was like Growing Up Greek in Chicago.


About the Author

Alexander Rassogianis

Alexander Rassogianis earned a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Elmhurst College and a master’s degree in history from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He taught history in Chicago and served as a compliance officer for the US government. Alexander is also the author of Return to Glenlord: Memories of Michigan Summers; The Entrepreneurial Spirit of the Greek Immigrant in Chicago, Illinois: 1900-1930; Rainbow Over Portland; Short Stories of Life, Love and Remembrance; and Clouds Over the Aegean. He is currently writing an additional book of short stories, Pathways.

Also by Alexander Rassogianis

Rainbow over Portland
Short Stories of Life, Love, and Remembrance
Clouds Over the Aegean