That Destroyed a Disabled Decorated Vietnam Veteran's Career in His Hometown, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

by Curtis Dixon



That Destroyed a Disabled Decorated Vietnam Veteran's Career in His Hometown, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

by Curtis Dixon

Published Sep 16, 2021
370 Pages
Genre: LAW / General


Book Details

A coverup for what appeared to be fraud, bribery, perjury, racism, discrimination, corruption, embezzlement, and sexual perversion by city leaders

Under the administration of City Managers Orville Powell and Bryce Stuart from 1972 to 2001, Allen Joines was considered a Golden Boy. But he received at least three administrative promotions because of work that Curtis Dixon completed, and he retired as Stuart’s Deputy City Manager after Dixon was fired following Stuart’s and Joines’ perjurious testimonies that a judge conveniently ignored. City Manager Stuart’s insistence that Joines lie about Dixon’s performance in court must have been troubling for Mayor Joines—but not enough to make amends. Based on his own evidence, Dixon believes that the five Black city council members at that time, who assured him that he would be vindicated, betrayed Dixon and accepted bribes from Stuart.

The $5 Million Conspiracy is the true story of how Curtis Dixon—a decorated war veteran—lost not only his hard-fought career but also his reputation due to corruption, racism, and politics.


About the Author

Curtis Dixon

Curtis E. Dixon was inspired by GOD to write this book at 81 years old. He graduated magna cum laude from NCA&T State University with BS and MS degrees in mathematics; earned an MPA degree from the University of NC—Greensboro; and was voted president of the Piedmont Triad American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Chapter. Dixon served as a captain in the US Air Force and was honorably discharged after earning the Bronze Star Medal and two outstanding unit awards while serving two tours in Vietnam. He is also the author of three books: Evil for Good, Dishonor Everywhere… and Is the US EEOC a SHAM?

Also by Curtis Dixon

Is the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission a Sham?
Too Much Hate, Lying, Jealousy