To destroy the career and reputation of a Model American citizen who was a son, father, uncle, provider, planner, implementer, manager, and a disabled, decorated Vietnam veteran
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The Community Housing and Urban Development Department Assistant Director Florence Creque (B) told Dixon that City Manager Bryce Stuart (W), who had said that he was going to govern the city with the Bible by his side as a Christian, held a meeting with Fire Chief Lester Ervin (B), Human Services Director Walter Farabee (B), Assistant City Manager Alexander Beaty (B), Budget and Evaluation Director Tom Fredricks (W), Economic Development Director Allen Joines (W), Community Housing and Urban Development Department Director Gary Brown (W Jew), and Creque to coach them on how to lie about Dixon’s performance when they went to court. Allen Joines, Tom Fredricks, Gary Brown, Alexander Beaty, and Bryce Stuart perjured themselves in court and were busted with written documentations presented by Dixon’s attorney. Dixon was told that Walter Farabee, who was a classmate of Dixon’s, checked himself into the hospital for observation and Lester Ervin went to a conference in California during the week of Dixon’s trial to avoid lying about Dixon’s performance. And Creque was a creditable witness for Dixon. But Judge Hiram Ward (W) completely disregarded the perjuries of the defendants and dismissed Dixon’s complaints. For the unsavory actions of Stuart, Beaty, and Ward, the elected officials or powers-to-be named buildings after them. And after Allen Joines’ unsavory actions, the citizens of Winston-Salem elected him as their mayor for over twenty two years.