ANDREW MARVELL COMIX—Named for the famous seventeenth-century English poet and satirist, Comix brings the art of political satire up to date.
The Democrats' Dictionary
A Lexical Exposé of What They're Really All About
by Andrew Marvell Comix edited by Jeff Becker

The Democrats' Dictionary
A Lexical Exposé of What They're Really All About
by Andrew Marvell Comix edited by Jeff Becker
Published Mar 19, 2021
311 Pages
Genre: HUMOR / Topic / Politics
Book Details
A century ago Ambrose Bierce published his The Devil’s Dictionary. The tradition has now been revived, one may presume by way of the same nefarious source, in the form of The Democrats’ Dictionary. The great French philosopher Voltaire said, “If you would debate with me, define your terms.” Voltaire himself composed his own Dictionnaire Philosophique, a work in which he defined his philosophical opponents’ terms for them, as did Ambrose Bierce. It is by so doing that one is best able to expose the absurdity of counterpositions. Democrats, like politicians from all quarters, are masters of obfuscation. Their “talking points” seldom reveal their true positions or agendas. The purpose of this modest dictionary is to provide something of the transparency which is so wanting among the Democrats and which they themselves are loath to provide. Shall they thank me then for my service? In speculating on that answer, my policy shall be to obfuscate.
“A relentless exposé on the duplicity which is the Democrat Party.” (Jeff Becker, Author)
“When C. S. Lewis had written his Screwtape Letters it was alleged that the author knew the Devil better than he knew himself. I believe Comix has amply demonstrated that he knows the Democrats better than they know themselves.” (Satan, The Prince of Darkness)
“I’m totally confused, folks.” (Joe B., Politician)