Book Details

The Bermuda Triangle: Portal to a Terrifying Future

When storm and fog engulfed the pleasure boats Oblique View and Blue Heron within the Bermuda Triangle, the last thing the passengers expected was to be transported from 2005 to 2283. It is now 2288 and the time travelers have adjusted to their new normal, though it’s completely different from their early twenty-first century life. Jake Myers and his family live in Philadelphia, while Oblique View’s owner Mason Bankowski lives in Jacksonville, which is surrounded by a wall to protect its citizens from the undesirables living outside. When Mason can’t be contacted, Jake and Juan Morales, Mason’s former first-mate, travel to Jacksonville to find him, but instead discover a city controlled by malevolent forces entrenched from two different centuries. Danger lurks everywhere, from soldiers patrolling the city to a government leader concealing a devastating agenda. Are the people living outside the wall as dangerous as they are alleged to be? How many soldiers, guards, and police are victims of mind control . . . and who is controlling them? Can the huge nuclear missile-laden submarine be stopped in time? As pervasive evil closes in with desperate, life-threatening situations, Jake and Juan must use all their ingenuity to save not only their loved ones, but everyone living in and around Jacksonville. A pulse-pounding thrill ride, Beyond the Triangle is the adventure novel you’ve been waiting to get lost in!


About the Author

C. P. Stewart

C. P. Stewart’s career began with teaching high school chemistry, evolving into teaching high school and university physics. A lifelong resident of western Pennsylvania, he is married, with two adult children and three grandchildren.

Also by C. P. Stewart

Through The Triangle


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