The Box

The Adventures of Katie and Karl Wallaroo

by Rodney Brooks and Rhonda Brooks

The Box

The Box

The Adventures of Katie and Karl Wallaroo

by Rodney Brooks and Rhonda Brooks

Published Aug 16, 2019
48 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General


Book Details

Get ready to let your imagination lead you to a Funventurous Time

On this bright and sunny day, Katie and Karl Wallaroo enjoy a regular day of playing trucks and blocks in their rooms. The two lovable siblings come across a mysterious box that would turn their ordinary day of play into a magical FUNVENTURE! The Box is a wonderful story about the power of a child’s imagination and creativity opening doors to amazing possibilities.


About the Author

Rodney Brooks and Rhonda Brooks

Rhonda D. Brooks has been a Childhood Educator for 4 years and she understands the importance of fostering the natural curiosity and creativity of a child. As a mentor and teacher, it gives her the ability to motivate, connect, and direct children and young adults of all ages. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Counseling Psychology and is currently pursing her Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Rodney D. Brooks is an author and President & Founder of Brothers Brooks Vision 2 Mission LLC. He has over 30 years of Human Resources and Leadership experience

Also by Rodney Brooks and Rhonda Brooks

What IF?  Just A.S.K.
What If I Want to Be a Christian?
Welcome to Kangarville