Rodney D. Brooks, co-founder of What If? Just A.S.K., is the president of Brothers Brooks Vision 2 Mission LLC. He has been a church officer for over 15 years and a Sunday school teacher for over 25 years. In the private sector, Rodney has more than 30 years of Human Resources and Operations leadership experience in various Fortune 100 and 500 companies. Breanne E. Brooks, co-founder of What If? Just A.S.K., is an active church member in the areas of Sunday school, usher ministry, youth choir (president), missionary society, and praise dancing. Breanne is one of the key spokespersons for the What If? Just A.S.K. program, where she is constantly speaking to various youths, encouraging them to be the best they can be while chasing and realizing their dreams.
What If I Want to Be a Christian?
Just A.S.K.
by Rodney D. Brooks with Breanne E. Brooks

What If I Want to Be a Christian?
Just A.S.K.
by Rodney D. Brooks with Breanne E. Brooks
Published Jul 31, 2017
77 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religion / Christianity
Book Details
There are some facets of Christianity that are hard for young people to fully grasp! This fun, easy-to-follow guide uses the A.S.K. process to help our youth discover what it means to be Christian and to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior: • Ask the question • Seek the answer within yourself first and then use your resources • Know and believe in your abilities What If I Want to Be a Christian? offers a simple yet compelling way to answer this question and others, along with resources for greater understanding of young people’s roles in Christianity. It all starts with A.S.K.!