The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

The Pre-Incarnate Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament

by Cordell W. Mitchell

The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

The Pre-Incarnate Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament

by Cordell W. Mitchell

Published Jun 28, 2019
226 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / Protestant


Book Details

Christ Appeared in The O.T. in Types, in the Gospels in the Flesh, and after He arose from the dead, in a Resurrected Body.

Cordell & Odena Mitchell have been evangelists, pastors, and teachers for over 57 years. Cordell has a B.A. in Biblical Studies. He has been a banker, Dean of “The Biblical School of Theology” in Cleburne, Texas, and Administrator over “The Pacific Mission Training Centre” in Matafele, Apia, Western Samoa. He is now retired, writing, and publishing. No amount of background can prepare a person to do justice to the title of this book, “The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ.” This subject alone requires more than acquired knowledge. I have approached this subject from the foundation that the Scriptures are true and without error. (Mark 12:24) And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? I, therefore, submit to the reader this book. I make no apologies for believing in the Scriptures to be Divinely Inspired and Without Error.

Also by Cordell W. Mitchell

Snapshots of Christ In Doctrines
Snapshots of Christ
Snapshots of Christ In Leviticus
Snapshots of Christ in Genesis
Snapshots of Christ in 1st Kings
Snapshots of Christ In Exodus
Snapshots Out of the Mouth Of Christ
Who Do Men Say I AM?
Snapshots of Christ In Isaiah
Snapshots of Christ
Snapshots of Christ
Snapshots of Christ
Snapshots of Christ in 2nd Kings
Mysteries of the Word of God
Snapshots of Christ In Isaiah
And There Was Darkness
Modern Day Move of God in Western Samoa
Angelic Ministry
The Man Whose Number is 666
Twelve Steps to a Church Revival
The Power of God
2018: The Most Important Year in 2000 Years
Ephesians: The Inheritance of The Saints
The Glories of Christ
A New Thing
This I Believe
His Death-'Til He Come