Cordell Mitchell has a BA in Biblical Studies. After having served as an evangelist, pastor, teacher, banker, Dean of two Bible Schools; one in Texas and one in Apia, Western Samoa. Cordell is now writing and publishing in Midland, Texas. He and Odena, his wife, have 4 children, 13 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Snapshots Out of the Mouth Of Christ
An In Depth Study of Christology
by Cordell W. Mitchell

Snapshots Out of the Mouth Of Christ
An In Depth Study of Christology
by Cordell W. Mitchell
Published Feb 27, 2014
519 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Book Details
After returning from three years in Western Samoa as director of a Missionary Training Center, I realized the great need among my students. I had greatly desired to write this book on insights during the Church Age that my students could easily grasp one point at a time. The sickness that I carried home would weaken me to the point that I could only have strength for a few hours a day; yet it would not be my strength that would fail me; rather the magnitude of a book on such a subject. More than one time I dropped my pen from my hand as I staggered in unbelief that the task I had taken on was more than I had the ability to complete. This book will turn on a bright light as you see Matthew with the Church Age at its center. If you are a pastor, teacher, or preacher hundreds of diamonds await you to pick up and expound on them. To the young ministers in third world countries, this book was written specifically for you to open your eyes to the mighty truths in Matthew and their fulfillment in the Church Age. The great insights of Christ are seen here in a page or two so pastors and teachers will be able to grasp and comprehend these great truths. The greater knowledge you have of the Scriptures, the greater you will see in these snapshots. I, as the Author, assume your knowledge is wide in the Scriptures and have made the subject quick and to the point, waiting only for your hand to expound on it for your hearers. If the reader faces teaching that they do not understand or do not believe based on their church background, I encourage you to put it aside and go on. My background of a Baptist and Spirit-filled movements of course affected my writing, and I have tried to make it clear when it did so. No effort was made to try and slide any issue in this book in disguise. I pray you will see my sincere desire to give the reader a real comprehension of the Church Age from the cross to His return. My wife, Odena, taught beside me in the school, typed incessantly, proof-read, and corrected endlessly. Without her knowledge and commitment to the same goal, this book would never have seen the light of the publisher’s office.
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;” (Heb. 1: 1-2)