Book Details

Three Paths Converge

Three women traveling to India. A journalist, a college intern, a victim. Each on their separate journey. Allison, Lynne, Kasi. Here is their story. FINALIST for the American Fiction Awards for the multicultural genre.


Book Excerpt

She didn't notice it right away as she went through the Seedi Gate entrance; then only a glimpse, a peek, an alluring hint of what was to come. She walked through the Main Gate and there it was--all dressed in white and set along the Yamuna River. Such a familiar landmark that she thought she had been here before--the ornamental pool, the bench, the double row of cypress trees, the elevated lotus pool that mirrored all of its grandeur complete with the octagonal center chamber topped by an onion-shaped dome. If ever a building could take on a feminine air it would be this one, the Taj Mahal.


About the Author

Freddie Remza

Storytelling and international travel are two passions of Freddie Remza’s. Combining the two is what she does in her novels that include The Stolen Brooch, The Poison Ring, The Orchid Bracelet, Ride the Wave, and The Journey to Mei. Her goal is to entertain as well as leave the reader thinking about the story long after it was read.

Also by Freddie Remza

The Journey to Mei
The Orchid Bracelet


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