The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and the Prince of Peace

by Barbara A. Cefalu

The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and the Prince of Peace

The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and the Prince of Peace

by Barbara A. Cefalu

Published Oct 29, 2016
74 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Cats


Book Details

Excitement is running high at 112 Liver Lane, where Angel, and her two kittens, Patty-Cat and Kittle, are preparing for the holiday season. Cousin Fred and his mother, Sunny, are expected to visit, there’s baking to be done, gifts to wrap, a tree to decorate. Of course, first they need to get a tree. A Christmas parade is planned for the residents of Katville. The mayor and dignitaries will attend and friends will be in the parade. Just to prove that few things go smoothly a grinding noise shatters nerves; plaster and dirt fill the air, and ... horror, of horrors, that impish elf, Grimsby appears, creating turmoil and scattering debris everywhere. Fortunately this time he brings a tree and of course it has to be decorated. The annoying resident spider, Miss Wilma Weaver, likes to stir up things, and the two sheep dogs, Hal and Sam, romp through the season, as joyfully and stupid and rambunctious as ever. Two new kittens come to town, one unhappy feisty one and another who was cruelly abandoned. Miss Maisey and Miss Katty-Kat, sisters who live next door at 114 Liver Lane, receive an unexpected but cherished Christmas gift and the animals all gather for the solemn Midnight event. If you are curious as to how the two sisters become kind and happy, (quite an about-face), or if you want to find out how everything ends, or if you just want a good read, try this book.

Also by Barbara A. Cefalu

The Further Adventures of Patty-Cat and Kittle
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and The Snow Queen
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and Friends with the Duchess of Manx
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and Their Friends Versus the Manxy-Dream Pirates
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, and Friends, Versus the Catnappers
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, Their Friends, and the Gnomes
The Adventures of Patty-Cat, Kittle, Their Friends and the Portal to Everywhere
Doggerel and Catterel
The Night Travelers
The Adventures of Patty-Cat and Kittle
The Prodigal Son of Appleton
The Autobiography of Sam, The Turtle And Other Stories