Inspired by her father to draw at five, Mrs. Calhoun pursued a career in Art Education, Supervision, and Administration. She taught high school, middle, and elementary school and served Grand Prairie ISD as an assistant principal. She has tried her hand at writing short stories since an advanced English class in college. She has been encouraged to publish by friends and colleagues. She has a passion for children, reading, and writing. Dorothy is also the author of The Princesses of Arvallay - A Multicultural Celebration and Six Bees for Children - A Collection of Educational Wisdoms.
Why Dinosaurs Are Extinct
by Dorothy Calhoun, Illustrated by David Miles

Why Dinosaurs Are Extinct
by Dorothy Calhoun, Illustrated by David Miles
Published Jun 25, 2014
29 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Learning Concepts
Book Details
Lessons on Obedience and Character
Why are dinosaurs extinct? This whimsical story for ages eight and up answers that question with a fictional twist on the beloved Bible story of Noah and the Ark.
This unique and colorful book will inspire young imaginations while helping children build a strong Godly character.
“The Grand Prairie Independent School District is proud to have one of its longtime educators continue her legacy by giving back to the children as a published author. Dorothy’s wit and imagination will feed the minds of young children for years to come. I feel privileged to know Mrs. Calhoun and our community is fortunate to be the home to such a talented, lifelong teacher and friend to all children.” —Dr. Susan Simpson Hull, Grand Prairie ISD Superintendent, Grand Prairie, Texas
“Fascinating approach to teaching young children the importance of character and the implication that our choices have; not only on ourselves, but people we love, care for, and even at times on those we do not personally know. Dorothy Sweet Calhoun did an excellent job in delivering her message. Children will gain a colorful insight on the importance of being confident and accepting that we all have a special task to fulfill in life.” —Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, United States Congress, Washington, D.C.
“Great book! My grandchildren love it! Dorothy shows a good example of getting the message across to the children.” —Mr. Brock Sloan, Greer, South Carolina