NOVAMELIA was born in England and came to the USA when she was 17 years old. She attended the University of Pittsburgh where she studied Creative Writing and Psychology. She has lived in a number of states, including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Florida. She now lives in Tucson, AZ with her husband, George.
& Persons Of Interest
by NovaMelia
& Persons Of Interest
by NovaMelia
Published Jun 22, 2010
328 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure
Book Details
A Small Town Goes Mad
A large pharmaceutical company begins operations in a small outlying community in New England. Interdependence, intrinsic distrust, confused rumors and local ethics all become part of the mix. A local school teacher leads a group of concerned citizens who are suspicious about the research being conducted by the company. Honesty and morality and a menagerie of animals become part of the debate.
There are the weak and the strong and sometimes there is bullying in the Company and among townspeople. In all of this Duckegg moves between his sense of not belonging to his often dysfunctional family and to the pride of being a hero. He is honest with himself but sometimes blatantly dishonest with others. He suffers the sorrow of loss and the shame of unintentional harm done by him.
The balancing act between the Company and the Town’s people, the personal conflicts and the clashing of personalities, the bullies and the bullied, the clever and the not so smart, the conniving and the innocent, ultimately culminates in a town gone mad, at least for a day.