You Can Manifest

Law of Attraction Manifesting Techniques and more...

by Kathleen Mackenzie


Book Details

Learn how to manifest your intentions so you can attain your dreams.

In every minute we live, we co-create our lives. We can learn to co-create more deliberately. We can discover and maintain a higher vibration. We can live in happiness and good health, enjoy abundance, and know that we are loved by the Universe (God) who does want to give us every good thing our hearts desire.

The exercises in You Can Manifest will help you improve the consistency and frequency of attracting what you desire.

In Section I Kathleen Mackenzie lays out for you the exercises that will give you the foundation you need to manifest your intentions. Because so many people have lost touch with their feelings, doing these exercises will help you awaken the pleasure of love in action.

In Section II the author presents a series of exercises to help you more successfully manifest your intentions. These exercises require you to use your five senses, whenever possible, and to set your intention using the power of love, appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness.

Section III provides a list of valuable referrals for authentic psychics, astrologers, mediums, and animal communicators.

If you want to improve your ability to achieve your heart's positive desires, you need to read You Can Manifest - Laws of Attraction Manifesting Techniques and more.


About the Author

Kathleen Mackenzie

< Kathleen Mackenzie is also the author of Living the Law of Attraction and Enjoying a Serendipitous Life and Not Manifesting? This Book Is for You! Kathleen has helped hundreds of readers to manifest their deliberate intentions.>

Also by Kathleen Mackenzie

Not Manifesting?  This Book is for You!
Living the Law of Attraction and Enjoying a Serendipitous Life