Book Details

Is there any religion that is higher than truth?

One fundamental error in a person’s belief system can lead them astray. The Bible, for example, is often read and interpreted literally. Such an approach is at odds with the parable, a literary structure that uses symbols to communicates mysteries about heaven. Questions about what faith is also consider the nature of facts, fantasies, or falsities. A literal interpretation of the Bible can lead some to interpret Biblical symbols, such as the body and blood of Christ, superficially. They may see the veil that covers truth and consider it the ultimate presentation of truth. Parables are used in any spiritual literature, including the scriptures. They contain symbols used as analogies between spiritual realities and the physical, concrete world. Paul’s warning, the “letter killeth,” tells readers to look for symbols and analogies throughout his letters. He also warned us about the veil over Moses’s face “in the reading of the old testament.” Do we take heed of his warning? Are we deceiving ourselves if we interpret the Old Testament literally, taking the veil as truth?

This book is about spirituality with a focus on Christianity, scriptures in the Bible. But many ideas and writings in the book are not what Christians usually hear or read. Those who are familiar with scriptures in the Christian Bible and open-minded will find the book informative but entirely different from their concept of Christianity, the origin of humanity, the saving “blood of Christ,” etc. However, anyone can read and understand what is written in the book, even if that person has never read the Christian Bible before, because it was written for everybody, whether the reader is a Christian, is religious or not.


About the Author

Con Trong Bui

After over 40 years of study and research in the fields of metaphysics, religions, and spirituality, the book Esoteric Christianity Made Simple was published in 2020. This book, Truthful Misconceptions, is an expanded and revised version of Esoteric Christianity Made Simple. In these books, the author shares his knowledge of and insight into the scriptures of the Christian Bible with those who would like to gain a deeper spiritual understanding of their meaning.

Also by Con Trong Bui

The Divinely Sinful Saints
The Divinely Sinful Saints (eBook Edition)