Rod Sadler is a 30-year veteran police officer, having grown up in the small town of Williamston, Michigan. He spent over ten years researching information about this murder including court documents, original handwritten eyewitness statements, books, photos, maps, and news articles. His great grandfather spearheaded the investigation while serving as the Ingham County Sheriff in 1897. Having retired in 2012, Rod and his wife, Terri, live in the Lansing area with their three children, Alex, Austin and Andy.
To Hell I Must Go
The True Story of Michigan’s Lizzie Borden
by Rod Sadler
To Hell I Must Go
The True Story of Michigan’s Lizzie Borden
by Rod Sadler
Published Feb 28, 2015
175 Pages
Genre: TRUE CRIME / Murder / General
Book Details
Insane Woman Chops Off Mother-in-Law’s Head
Alfred Haney had suspected there was something peculiar about his wife for a very long time. On a cool spring morning in 1897, he left his Williamston, Michigan home to earn a day's wage. He returned to find a macabre murder so bizarre that it shook an entire community to its core. This is the true story of a woman who some might refer to as Michigan’s own Lizzie Borden.