Skip Stover is a poet at heart. Writing for 28 years, he has been published in numerous books and magazines and won the Golden Poet Award in 1982. Inspired to write at an early age, Skip writes romantic poetry, lyrics for songs, and believes the emotion of Love to be the greatest feeling one can possess. He says, "When romance dies in a relationship, the relationship dies. Skip will be donating 100% of his royaties, from Solitary Thoughts, to the Baltimore Ronald McDonald House, begining 04/01/07 through 04/01/2012, to help the children and their families. Look for his new novel, Dangerous Love, 2010 A.D., out soon!
Solitary Thoughts
Wings of a Love
by Skip Stover

Solitary Thoughts
Wings of a Love
by Skip Stover
Published Mar 06, 2005
88 Pages
Genre: POETRY / General
Book Details
Skip is donating 100% of his royalties to the Baltimore Ronald McDonald House to help offset the cost of caring for the families and their children with special medical needs.
When reading this book you will find your emotions overtaking your thoughts. Skip Stover reaches into the depths of your heart and massages your soul. As a true love writer, he will deliver a verse that will draw romance from the deepest part of your feelings, and excite your emotions, as he writes "If you should awake in the night, and I'm asleep, wake me, so you won't have to fall asleep, alone." . . Read through and get the feeling of romance back in your life, or if you are a romantic, enjoy the feelings from your heart. Brent Sampson, author of, "The Art of Poetry," writes, "Much like an actual poem, Solitary Thoughts hold wonderment for those who seek it. When it shimmers, it shines, flirting with all manner of love topics. Rarely will you uncover prose that percolates so perfectly."
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Book Excerpt
I have sat and thought of what it would be like while you're away, but as I lay here alone, I know that my imagination could not see what I see now. . . An empty house, an empty bed and a broken heart. I miss you.
I have found a love, much more than I could conceive, for in my heart, it has composed a melody that calms my soul and echos beyond the highest barriers know to man, I have found you. . .