Skip Stover is an inveterate writer of love stories and poetry and writes from the deepest part of his heart. Writing for over 28 years, he has been published several times and won many awards. Skip has been in movies and is a volunteer for his local Ronald McDonald House, because of his love for children. "They are the future of our world."
Dangerous Love
2010 A.D.
by Skip Stover

Dangerous Love
2010 A.D.
by Skip Stover
Published Oct 30, 2007
396 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Love & Romance
Book Details
“Dangerous Love” was a thrilling read riddled with historical and geographical references that made the book come to life. It’s so real, it’s scary!
Leigh O’Donovan
Authors on the Rise Book Reviews
The story will catapult you into the year 2010 A.D. where terrorism is an act of the past..., or is it? Skip shows how a creative mind can write one of the most exhilarating, suspenseful romance novels in our time
Diane Lyn
Co-Host/Producer Lite FM Morning Show on 101.9 Lite FM Baltimore
Book Excerpt
We have all experienced the machination of terrorists in the world. Our destinies are upon us as we go to work, live our daily lives and walk among others in freedom. As you meet the one you wish to spend the rest of your life with, you wish for happiness, love and affection forever; but then there are those that will meet and live in that Dangerous Love. Dangerous Love will take you around the world in suspense and action and you will read the minds of terrorists as they plan to disrupt America's Capital on Memorial Day, 2011 and the one woman that is entangled in that Dangerous Love.