Frank Stepnowski is your basic grizzly bear: big, warm, surprisingly mobile and perpetually hungry. A study in dichotomy, he would prefer to roll around in the sunshine all day eating healthy foods while scratching himself at will, yet he is not above gutting you with frightening precision should you threaten his mate or cubs. While it is perfectly legal to hunt and/or antagonize him, he possesses a skill set that may manifest itself in an undesirable outcome should you choose to do so. Like most grizzlies, he enjoys salmon, sarcasm, sleeping and the emergence of the marginalized voice in early 1800s American Romanticist literature. Step’s first book, Why Are All the Good Teachers Crazy? was very well received by teachers, antisocial deviants, and the other creatures of the forest.
An Educational Fairytale
by Frank Stepnowski

An Educational Fairytale
by Frank Stepnowski
Published Mar 11, 2011
271 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Humorous / General
Book Details
The year is 2012 and the President has passed The Absentee Parent Act, suddenly making parents accountable for the academic and moral shortcomings of their offspring! Legal guardians everywhere turn to the places that have been raising their children for years – the schools. Alas, our current educational system is a farce, a fact suddenly of great concern to the soon to be punished parental population. Meanwhile, in a New Jersey classroom, a frustrated teacher has an epiphany, and soon T.E.A.M. (Trust in our Extreme Alternative Methodology) schools begin to spread across the country, providing the kind of common sense instruction, uncompromising discipline, and political incorrectness that other schools wish they could employ. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, and an army of antagonists line up to challenge this Brave New School; but Frank Stepnowski, aka: Captain America, and his dedicated band of teachers will not go quietly! The battle lines are drawn, and comedic (sometimes cathartic) chaos ensues. With a delightfully demented cast and enough metaphoric mayhem to power a bulldozer aimed at the educational status quo, S.C.R.E.W.E.D. is another perfect storm of fury, fun, and foreshadowing from the gloriously twisted mind that gave you Why Are All the Good Teachers Crazy?