Just An Ordinary Guy

A Case for Short Term Missions

by Dr. Clay Lifto


Book Details

Just An Ordinary Guy … Until God Steps In

Escaping the prison of complacency is difficult challenge. Answering God’s call to adventure is a fearsome decision. And, the path to a meaningful life is fraught with cavernous potholes. But, through it all, from the onset of God’s smile, to the rapture of fulfillment, it will be worth it all. From the doldrums of a poor and ordinary life to the heights of God’s glory, travel to Ukraine with Clay and Ruth as they discover God’s mission and purpose in their life together. Perhaps along the way, you too will discover a call in the distance.


About the Author

Dr. Clay Lifto

Dr. Clay Lifto, an old man now, spends much of his time at his home in the countryside northwest of Fort Worth, Texas. Ruth, his wife of over fifty years, encourages him to continue writing, learning, and venturing into the streets to help strangers to find their way. Today, you might find him at home, or maybe wandering the inner-city streets with the homeless, encouraging country pastors, learning Spanish on his way to Central America, or tracking down his kids and grandkids who are discovering exotic ministries of their own.

Also by Dr. Clay Lifto

Only a Soldier Understands: Every GI’s Reflections and Reminiscences of Military Life
Only A Soldier Understands: A Military Devotional and Bible Study for Warriors with a Story Book 2: Training
Only a Soldier Understands: A Military Devotional and Bible Study for Warriors with a Story - Book 3: First Duty Assignment
Only a Soldier Understands: Book 4:  Vietnam
Only a Soldier Understands: Book 5: Lessons I Learned in the Army
Only A Soldier Understands: Books 1 - 5 Collection