Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

Part II Makoshika

by Gregory Hagenston

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

Part II Makoshika

by Gregory Hagenston

Published Dec 24, 2022
434 Pages


Book Details

Makoshika, a geological Disneyland!

From the chronologically bound pages of Dr. R. W. Hiatt’s Makoshika dossier, an optometrist’s avocation unfolds. Sink yourself into the years from 1956 to 1965 and join Doc Hiatt in his journey through the badlands. Along for the ride is Greg, a boy thirty years younger than his optometrist, Dr. Hiatt, and whose youthful adventures weave in and out of the unfolding story of Makoshika.


About the Author

Gregory Hagenston

Greg Hagenston was born in Glendive, Montana. His firsthand Makoshika experiences and close personal relationship with his mentor, Dr. Hiatt, created the foundation for this book. Greg and his wife of 50 years, Evelyn, live in a historic old house nestled in the badlands with Makoshika State Park bordering their 30 acre triangular shaped property on two sides.

Also by Gregory Hagenston

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands


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