Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

A Memoir of Adventure, Discovery, Anguish and Triumph

by Gregory Hagenston

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands

A Memoir of Adventure, Discovery, Anguish and Triumph

by Gregory Hagenston

Published Apr 28, 2020
391 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

A chronologically detailed account of the founding of Makoshika, Montana’s largest state park, and how almost single-handedly Dr. R. W. Hiatt, a true renaissance man, cradled Makoshika from its fragile beginning to its maturity as a state park. Through his meticulous record-keeping, the rich historical details of Makoshika Park come to life. Greg is a boy thirty years younger than his optometrist, Dr. Hiatt, and they form an inseparable bond. The youthful adventures of Greg weave in and out of the unfolding story of Makoshika, taking the reader along for a look as the two souls, Greg and Doc, go about their interrelated lives.


About the Author

Gregory Hagenston

Greg Hagenston was born and grew up in Glendive, Montana. A lifelong resident, Greg and his wife, Evelyn, have been in business together first as hardware merchants and later by founding an insurance agency in Glendive. In 1986 they moved a historic old house to the 25 acres they owned out in the badlands, and have lived there ever since.

Also by Gregory Hagenston

Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands
Greg and Doc III, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands
Greg and Doc III, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands_eBook