Dialysis Essential Increases Your Test Scores

This Book Is Designed For: Dialysis Technicians Nurses & Patients

by Walker Guerrier

Dialysis Essential Increases Your Test Scores

Dialysis Essential Increases Your Test Scores

This Book Is Designed For: Dialysis Technicians Nurses & Patients

by Walker Guerrier

Published Aug 20, 2015
151 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Teaching / General


Book Details


This book is written to educate the dialysis patients about why it is important to engage in their treatment with their care givers, doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners and to understand the importance of the lab test result and to take their treatment seriously. Also for technicians and nurses to comprehend their roles as a care giver and for new nurses and technicians who will take their state tests to increase their scores.


About the Author

Walker Guerrier

The spirit of learning, sharing and caring has given me the courage to write this book. As I know many of you want to educate yourself in regards to your kidneys and dialysis, the information contained in this book is to keep you abreast only. Always consult with your doctor and dietitian before you do anything in regard to your treatment. It is my eagerness and motivation to learn the thirst for knowledge and determination of success. They have continued to inspire me. I deeply understand the value of knowledge and fully understand that knowledge and education help us make smart choices. Education and experience are the key it is truly a privilege to be a part of your professional development. It is my hope all care givers convey to their patients and the importance of patient engagement.

Also by Walker Guerrier

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