James Scott is a committed Christ-follower, family man, author, and minister headquartered in north central Wyoming. He has been married to his best friend, Rebecca, for nearly 30 years. They have three boys, three daughters-in-law, and two grandchildren. James has served the Kingdom well as a church planter, a pastor, a cowboy preacher, and a much sought-after evangelistic outreach strategist for small and large ministries, alike. James has a passion and zeal for preaching the Gospel but also equipping others to take the Gospel to lost people in their own circles of influence. If he is not in a pulpit, with his Bible in hand, you will likely find him offering planning input, personalized training, or mentoring individuals or groups of men and women to reach the lost in innovative ways. James graduated from Golden Gate Seminary with a CLD (Center for Leadership Diploma). He currently serves as the pastor of Shell Cowboy Church in addition to this book, James is also the author of From RANGE RIDIN’ to SOUL SEEKIN’ (2021). When asked, James says that he enjoys the cowboy lifestyle, fishing, and talking about Jesus every chance he gets. He tries to never pass up the opportunity to have Gospel conversations and he gladly prays with and for people anywhere and anytime. If you would like to correspond with James or invite him to speak at an event, you may email him at hccjamess@yahoo.com.
by Pastor James Scott

by Pastor James Scott
Published Jan 19, 2024
295 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Book Details
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In his book BRAKETIME, author James Scott uses deeply personal stories and struggles to share the importance of braking from the busyness of life and putting the Lord first. James shares many funny and true stories from his years in ministry to encourage his readers to become better and more Godly people. The book will help you grow closer to the Lord, love Him with everything you have while encouraging you to love your neighbor as yourself. This is all done with the humor, insight and wisdom of a husband, dad, preacher and cowboy. If you will open your heart, the Lord will use James’ words to draw you closer to Him.
—Dr. Jeff Walker, Senior Pastor ,Grace Baptist Church, Brandon Mississippi
BRAKETIME: Slowing Down to Catch Up with God by former full-time cowboy James Scott, turned cowboy-evangelist, is a passionate appeal and intense reminder that we can be busy doing work for the Master and forget to spend time with the Master. I am reminded of Mary’s protest to Jesus about her sister Martha’s unwillingness to help cook but rather was sitting at His (Jesus’) feet taking in every word He spoke. Jesus told Mary that “Martha has chosen better.” Boy, do we need to “choose better.” James’ wisdom, vivid stories, and common “cowboy” sense is an appeal to “choose better”! James addresses a range of pressing personal, family, and cultural issues common to us all while seamlessly integrating Scripture in a way that is convincing and convicting. I have known James for many years. Knowing him is to my advantage when I read this book because I can read it using his voice! When I am reading, I feel like we are literally having a conversation. Yes, James writes exactly the way he talks! What a refreshing turn from the sanitized approach to writing on Christian topics and issues. You will find this book entertaining, engaging, and directly to the point! Thank you, James and Rebecca, for your passion for ministry, partnership in the spread of the Gospel, and especially for your friendship!
—T. Brett Golson, Vice President of Spiritual Development and Church Relations, Professor of Religion, William Carey University
James Scott is God’s cowboy preacher! In his new book BRAKETIME: Slowing Down to Catch Up with God, James speaks directly from his heart and from God’s Word to each reader. He urges us to slow down in order to take time to listen to the Lord speak to us. On every page he proclaims the Gospel, pleads with the reader to trust Christ, and praises God for His work in the lives of God’s people. As a passionate follower of Jesus, James writes on important subjects for everyday Christian living. He challenges those who want to be disciples of Jesus to surrender fully to Christ, to grow in their faith (“Daycare Christianity”), and to share the gospel with other while they have the opportunity. He is a straight shooter who takes aim at “Cadillac Religiosity” and shares openly and without apology about God’s goodness and grace.
—Ronald Meeks, Ph.D., Department Chair and Professor of Biblical Studies, Director of Church Relations and Ministerial Recruiting, Blue Mountain Christian University