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Selected Short Stories & Poems From Talented Facebook Writers

by Outskirts Press


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Book Details: Scroll below for more information about this book, provided directly by the author.

Product description...

The Facebook Anthology

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In January 2011, Outskirts Press invited fans of its Facebook community at www.facebook.com/OutskirtsPress to submit poetry, short stories, excerpts, recipes, or anecdotes for free publication in an Outskirts Press Facebook anthology. Over 100 Facebook members submitted content on the Outskirts Press "wall" and to Outskirts Press directly. Fans were asked to "Like" the submissions they liked the best.

Facebook fans then voted on the title of the anthology and the cover design of the book. More importantly, the social community was asked to vote for a charitable organization to receive royalties resulting from sales of this book. The American Red Cross received nearly 50% of the votes.

Proceeds from the sale of Fandemonium are donated to the American Red Cross on behalf of Outskirts Press and its Facebook Fans. Thank you for the support.

Fandemonium not only brought our Facebook members together for a good cause, it provided an easy, fun, free way for writers to experience the joy of publishing with Outskirts Press first-hand. If you are a writer or professional with a book in your future (or in your hands), Outskirts Press can help you with writing, publishing, and/or marketing it. Visit our website for more information: www.OutskirtsPress.com

Product details...

Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 131 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Mar 02, 2011)
ISBN10: 1432770438
ISBN13: 9781432770433
Genre: LITERARY COLLECTIONS / American / General

Author Information...

Outskirts PressOutskirts Press offers high-quality, full-service self-publishing and book marketing services for writers and professionals who are seeking a cost-effective, fast, and flexible way to publish and distribute their books worldwide while retaining 100% of their rights, 100% of their profits, and 100% of the creative control.

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