The Boy from Pleebo

A Story of Survival and Perseverance

by Sylvester Youlo, MD

The Boy from Pleebo

The Boy from Pleebo

A Story of Survival and Perseverance

by Sylvester Youlo, MD

Published Jul 29, 2014
299 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

Have you ever wondered: “Did that emaciated and tattered-clothed African refugee child on TV ever have childhood aspirations?” Meet Sylvester Youlo—born to teenage parents in Pleebo, a small town in Liberia, where survival into adulthood isn’t sure, and a college education is an impossible dream. Consequence of a class-segregation created by free slaves from the United States that settled in this coastal West African country in 1821, it is at five years of age when Sylvester first realizes that the woman he knows as Yah is his grandmother; that his parents moved to the affluent city of Monrovia—a city that holds the keys to success—in pursuit of the life of the country’s elite Americo-Liberians when he was only nine months old. But just as he begins to understand this reality, and starts to imagine a glorious future alongside his parents in the big city, life implodes when Grandmother inexplicably ‘abandons’ Sylvester to relatives, and a brutal civil war that will kill and maim thousands soon begins. The Boy from Pleebo is the gut-wrenching yet heartwarming story of a young African child’s struggle to maintain his innocent-optimism in the face of crippling illnesses, poverty, near-death experiences from a war fraught with ethnic cleansing of his tribe, his hopeless journey through years of refugee camps, and how he became one of top graduates in an American medical school. It is a story of perseverance, survival, and never quitting on a dream. (Title change. Previously titled, A Series of Transforming events as an ebook)


About the Author

Sylvester Youlo, MD

Dr. Sylvester Youlo was born in Liberia, West Africa. He moved to the United States after spending almost six years in various refugee camps in Africa, due to a civil war that killed thousands in his home country. His life, the sociopolitical make-up of Liberia, and how that led to a fourteen-year civil war is the basis of The Boy from Pleebo.

Also by Sylvester Youlo, MD

Behind Devil's Rock