Zodiac Witches

Marbella the Eleventh Witch

by Barbara A. Mastej

Zodiac Witches

Zodiac Witches

Marbella the Eleventh Witch

by Barbara A. Mastej

Published Jul 28, 2016
197 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Science Fiction / General


Book Details


Marbella is a typical teenage girl that enjoys life, school and being with her friends. Never did she imagine that when she turned twelve years old, a witch, her mentor, would pop out of a booklet and announce to her that she has been chosen as the Eleventh Zodiac Witch to represent the zodiac sign of Scorpio and her destiny is to become part of the most powerful Zodiac Witches. After, Marbella discovers the secret corridor in her house, she arrives on a Moon in a town called Galaxy Park, and finally meets the ten zodiac witches that live in a gorgeous diamond shaped mansion, the Zodiac Mansion, that she might eventually call her home. It is a world full of magic, luxury and beauty, something that Marbella could not imagine, even in her wildest dreams. Although, the zodiac witches are gorgeous and have the ability to cast spells being half princesses and half witches, their beauty and powers won’t last forever. In order to achieve their desires, all twelve witches must pass the challenge day, and only then their powers, youth and beauty will remain for eternity. If Marbella can survive the monsters, training, and the challenges and becomes the Eleventh Zodiac Witch, there will only be one more witch missing to complete the circle of the twelve most powerful Zodiac Witches.


About the Author

Barbara A. Mastej

Barbara A. Mastej holds BS in Accounting and MBA in Finance & Accounting. Although she is an accountant, she has always loved writing, and as a teenager enjoyed reading books about princesses and witches. She is originally from Poland and came to US when she was 13 years old. She lives in NJ with her husband and sons, twin boys.



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