by Travis D. Crawford


Book Details

YOUR VETERANS NEED YOUR HELP. The VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, keeps your veterans from collecting compensation that is just and due.

The VETERANS ADMINISTRATION keeps your VETERANS at bay for years of paperwork shuffles, back and forth. Many disabled Vets, are unable to support their families until years of delays. We answered the call, performed our duty, now the very agency that we depend on, starves and denies us for years or endless paperwork drills back and forth.


About the Author

Travis D. Crawford

I’m a 35 year retired sergeant major. Wounded many times and totally disabled. I have to have 24/7, caregiver support. After many years still doing paperwork with the VA, to receive aide and attendance that is well documented. I have a college degree and retired at the highest enlisted grade. Many years of combat. Now when I could use the VA, they continue to push back.