Your Time, Your Goals and Your Identity

Agency Growth Need Not Be Difficult

by Bill Lynch


Book Details

Most insurance agencies fail to grow not because agents can’t sell insurance. No, today's agencies fail to grow because most agencies are too complicated to manage. What agents need is a way to simplify how they manage their agencies. I believe this book can help both new and seasoned agents simplify agency management and achieve agency growth. In my book I discuss an easy way to control your day and I share how I became successful on purpose by using the goal setting process. Last I hope to help you develop your own unique agency identity. My identity included everything I did. My story and promises were definitely part of my identity. But so were My Financial Risk Reviews, Action Plans and how I got buy in from staff.

I hope you enjoy reading my book as much as I did writing it. Thanks Bill Lynch


Book Excerpt

If we all have twenty four hours each day why does it seem like some people can accomplish so much more than the rest of us? How is it possible they easily do all the things we never seem to have the time to do? The only possible answer is that they do a better job managing the same time we all have. I believe our ability to manage time is directly related to how successful we can be. If that’s true, and I believe it is, our number one priority must be to do a better job controlling our day. If you take “The Control My Day Challenge” it will help you manage your time and change the way you look at yourself and change forever how you manage your agency.


About the Author

Bill Lynch

For forty years I was a Farmers Insurance Agency owner. I started my career in 1974 and if I’m honest I was not an over night success. My first six or seven years I was my own worst enemy. Even though I worked hard, my bad attitude stopped me from taking responsibility for my poor results. My poor results were never my fault. Rates that were always too high, unreasonable underwriters and really crazy company decisions were always the cause of my problems. Sound familiar? When I had a problem, which I often did, that problem could ruin my whole day and many times my whole week.

Thankfully, a great district manager convinced me it was time to look at myself in a mirror. It was also time to take responsibility for my own poor results and to let go of problems I had no control over. Slowly my improved attitude helped me become very successful. I share this with you because since I was not an over night success, I am in an unique position to share not only my successes but also my failures.

During my forty year career as a Farmers agent I was invited to eleven President councils, seven Championships and about thirty Toppers Clubs. When I retired four years ago my district manager, Mike Susee asked me to share my experiences with his eighty plus agents in District 22 in Oregon. I've been both local and state president of NAIFA, which gave me valuable insight into how agents from our competition managed their agencies. I also participated in Michael Gerber's Gerber Institute. Those of you who have read, The E Myth Revisited will recognize Michael Gerber's influence in my work.



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