My name is Angela Sellers, and I grew up in an atmosphere of absolute chaos. Although I agree that the adults in my world were probably doing the best they knew how, it provided a crazy environment for a child and young adult – no stability, no support, and no sense of safety or identity. In the beginning of my adult life, I tried to do what I believed was expected of me – work, traditional marriage, family, kids, stay at home mom, etc. For me, none of that worked out the way it appeared to work for everyone else. My life was an absolute dumpster fire to say the least! My path has been plagued with so much turmoil, heartache, betrayals, disappointments, and unspeakable challenges. Yet, somehow I have experienced some of the greatest adventures of anyone I know with a sense of freedom that few ever choose to embrace. Today, I have earned multiple degrees in Training and Development, am a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Reiki practitioner with a deep desire to empower others through their spiritual awakening after experiencing my own spiritual awakening. My spiritual awakening shook every part of my life and put every relationship in my life under review. I discovered so many wonderful things about myself, learned how to unconditionally love myself, and found the inner peace that I have sought most of my life! My inner child glows today and is free to just be, explore the world around me, experience being fully supported and loved by a true soul family. Every day is filled with new discoveries and deeper understandings on my spiritual journey. Although we can never be truly healed, I have done a lot of shadow work to be in a healthy place today. This book was written with the intent to assist you on your journey to find your healthier place.
Welcome to Your Spiritual Awakening
by Angela Sellers

Welcome to Your Spiritual Awakening
by Angela Sellers
Published Nov 02, 2023
36 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Spirituality
Book Details
Ever had a moment that started off totally normal, but hit you differently? Your reaction was completely out of character. The entire incident turned your world upside down. Everything was different in that moment, and nothing made sense. Your world would never be the same, and you were being presented with a choice.
My purpose for writing this book was to empower others and help them understand what is happening in this part of their spiritual journey – the beginning moments when nothing makes sense and for the most part we have no idea why our life is falling apart. Little did I know that writing this book was part of my own healing journey. Letting go of all control and choosing to follow the path/calling of the Universe for your highest good is a conscious, freewill decision that takes everyone on a unique path created for them. Some never choose to surrender and follow the divine path that leads to their greatest good. Although the process was painful and I wish there were any number of other ways I would have chosen to listen, I am so grateful for the path I am now on and trust that everything will work out the way it is meant to be for the highest good of all. If you have made it to reading this book, I hope you find the understanding you seek to make the choice that is best for you. You are not alone.