Without Rhyme

A Poet's Story

by Bles Chavez-Bernstein


Book Details

Without Rhyme is a poignant account of the author’s life as a young girl, from growing up in a small rural town to her unexpected adventure in a foreign country that has become her home. She carefully weaves poetic lines to create images of deeply buried emotions and insights. Her poetry flawlessly captures beauty and love, joy and triumph, as well as tragedy, grief, and isolation. It celebrates the spirit of innocence and wonderment, while painting the face of struggle, passion and sacrifice. The peace she finds in the world of poetry leads to her reconciliation with her childhood’s sadness. The author takes you on an earthly journey while in search of a spiritual path.


About the Author

Bles Chavez-Bernstein

Bles started her career very early. As a college freshmen at 18, her poem “At Dusk in Paradise” won first place in a contest sponsored by the editorial staff of Santa Isabel University’s newsletter, The Isabelina, after which she became a regular contributor. Bles’ English teacher had inspired her to write her first poem at 12, and she has been writing poetry ever since. Bles also writes prose, short stories, and non-fiction novels. Bles has long been recognized for her talent in music and performing arts. She won first prize at the tender age of five for her dramatic monologue in a literary competition sponsored by a major radio station in the Philippines. Bles has years of training in classical singing and was awarded a scholarship in vocal performance from the New World School of the Arts in Miami, Florida. She has a repertoire ranging from Handel and Mozart to Rachmaninoff and Faure, as well as American musical theater and contemporary crossover songs. Bles holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and has extensive experience in two clinical specialties, Mental Health and Addictions Nursing. After losing her first husband to cancer, Bles passionately sought refuge and has found healing in her artistic pursuits while raising three teenagers as a single parent. Bles currently lives with her husband with whom she travels to different cities all over the world to find the perfect home.

Also by Bles Chavez-Bernstein

In The Typhoon's Eye


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