Wild and Wise - A legacy journal for the real spiritual lives of men

by Steve Robach


Book Details

“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.”
                            Henry David Thoreau

Wild and Wise - A legacy journal for the real spiritual lives of men.

Not every man belongs to a religious denomination but every man has a spiritual life. Whether he is aware or not, a man has a deep hunger to find meaning and purpose for his life. This journal contains 38 meditations that reflect on the challenges and choices that shape a man’s spiritual life and the legacy he leaves behind. How he uses wild and wisdom energy determines the kind of impact he has on his world and to what degree he is aware of his ‘true self’, his God-self.

Too often men are distracted or addicted and do not have the awareness and words to name the spiritual realities that are embedded in everyday life. This legacy journal is designed to wake men up to the great mysteries and spiritual adventures that offer a deep and transforming life.


Book Excerpt

All men have spiritual hungers but very often don’t call them that.

  • What is it about Sturgis, South Dakota, that draws 3 to 5 hundred thousand bikers, mostly men, to gather for a week of partying and hanging out together every summer?
  • What is it that draws 10,000 men to a frozen lake in northern Minnesota to sit with fishing poles around holes in the ice in sub-zero temperatures?
  • What is it about being in a deer stand quietly staring into the woods for endless hours waiting for a deer to show up?
  • What is it that draws men who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan want to return so they can be with the men they served with?

What does it mean to be spiritual? The male spiritual journey consists of a gradual awakening to experiences of wonder and encounters with life’s mysteries that give his life purpose and meaning. It is his learning to be attentive to his deepest inner hunger to touch the sacred in the events of daily life. Over time he discovers that by surrendering to the ‘source of life’ he will be transformed and live with an ‘inner knowing’ that he is connected to and is in service to all of creation.


About the Author

Steve Robach

Steve Robach has over 40 years of working in church ministry. He has led many retreats for men and has been member of a men's support group for over 30 years. He has a MA in psycology from St. Mary's University.

He can be contacted at: 612-322-3602 or steverobach11@gmail.com

He is available for retreats and/or workshops.

1. A one time 2 hour presentation on how to use the Wild and Wise journal.
2. How to lead a men's small support group while using the journal.
3. 3 Saturday morning workshops to help men get started with the
4. A weekend retreat using the journal as a story telling process for men to explore the events and experiences of their lives that have shaped their spirituality.
5. A workshop for men and women to have conversations on male and
    female spirituality similarities and differences using small and large group circles of honor.