John Dye lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he practiced pharmacy for 35 years until he got it right and retired. He is pictured in Iceland with his favorite volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, in the background. She is currently resting and wearing her ice cap.
A Journey to Iceland
by John Randall Dye
A Journey to Iceland
by John Randall Dye
Published Feb 12, 2022
357 Pages
Genre: TRAVEL / Essays & Travelogues
Book Details
Iceland! The land of fire and ice. The land of volcanoes and glaciers. If you are considering a visit to Iceland, read this book first. It is much more than a travelogue. N’Iceland is essential insurance against the embarrassment of being unable to pronounce basic Icelandic words such as Eyjafjallajökull—the notorious volcanic tongue-twister that has baffled English speakers since 2010 to the delight of native Icelanders. N’Iceland portrays a country that delivers natural beauty on a daily basis. Iceland is a country of pure air and water; of nature in its most pristine state; of rainbows and waterfalls; and of unforgettable panoramas. That’s the good news. It is also the country that can go Krakatoa on you whenever it feels like it. No matter. The Icelanders don’t worry about it, so take your cue from them and enjoy the island to its fullest. Let N’Iceland guide you there. N’Iceland humorously chronicles the adventures of a small band of travelers during the time of a global pandemic and a volcanic eruption. Follow in their footsteps and learn the hidden secrets and pleasures of Iceland. Expect to be entertained, but be prepared for the unexpected.