Elf Dust To Excellence

by Diana Louise Webb


Book Details


The colossal Sistine Chapel features Michelangelo’s stunning masterpieces. His fresco of The Last Judgment serves as a reminder that mankind’s obligation to life is not for personal advantage. No man should ever be used as a means to an end. It is no secret that every living being has a dark secret in the closet—be it living a lie, addiction, betrayal, commission of an undetected crime, uncontrolled anger, fear, hate, regret, abuse…and the list continues in perpetuity. The dilemma we confront is how we process our secret in relation to pulling back the mantilla of life to jibe with our agenda at hand—and the eternal agenda of our soul. Elf Dust to Excellence takes you through a 40-day journey of your life—from the perspective of how to assess, attain, and maintain the richness of living in simple abundance. It dissects the inner self from the outside-in. But this isn’t just any ordinary trek. The book doesn’t have you as the reader sitting on the sidelines watching through rose-colored glasses for the ship to come in. It works as a shared effort. The captivating daily entries provide an interactive approach to greatness via God’s grace. Practical hard-hitting modules accompany the passages, weaving in a slice of humor. E. E. Cummings once said, “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” Are you ready? Grab your lapel and let’s go!


About the Author

Diana Louise Webb

5-time National Award-winning author, Diana Webb, promotes the ideal that in life you are either making things nicer for others or you are not. We all span the life journey once. Each step embraces rewards and consequences. Make your dash count. You can never go wrong with the words: Job Well Done!

Also by Diana Louise Webb

The Butterfly Cometh