Healthy Atoms and Sick Atoms

Psyche Genesis of Electrons and Nucleons and Atoms

by Ezzat E. Majd Pour, M.D.

Healthy Atoms and Sick Atoms

Healthy Atoms and Sick Atoms

Psyche Genesis of Electrons and Nucleons and Atoms

by Ezzat E. Majd Pour, M.D.

Published May 24, 2021
305 Pages
Genre: SCIENCE / Physics / Atomic & Molecular


Book Details

Brief discoveries of the author during his life:

Discoveries of Author During Pre-Med and College Years

— Author discovered electrons, neutrons, protons, and atoms are constructed from Fundamental Particle Compounds, Particle Clouds, have Particle Intelligence System Centers, and Particle Circulation Systems.

— Author, during these years, discovered Fundamental Particles, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry Sciences.

— Author discovered Molecular Evolution, how constructed different Subjects of Universe, under A.S.I.FP. Mol. CIC.

— Author discovered exogenous Particle Cloud Circulation Systems and Indigenous Particle Cloud Circulation Systems, Abnormal constructed Particle Clouds, and Normally Constructed Particle Clouds.

— Author discovered causes of Psyche Genesis, and Thought Current Genesis, Psyche of Atoms, Electrons, Nucleons,

— Author discovered the causes of the psychiatric disorders are Particle Cloud Transmitted diseases.

— Author discovered Plants’ Central Intelligence Systems, Plants’ Sensory Intelligence Systems, and Plants’ Motor Intelligence Centers, and plants without any intelligence systems, etc.

— Author’s discoveries during nine postgraduate years and thereafter.

— Author discovered hundreds of other new findings, which no one has done these discoveries before. This book is an introduction for the author’s new creations.

Also by Ezzat E. Majd Pour, M.D.

Central Intelligence Systems of Atom