Enlightened Capitalism

A Keynes Primer

by Daniel Bright M.D.


Book Details

2nd Edition

“Spending is not the depletion of wealth, it is the transfer of ownership of money. And that transfer of ownership of money activates the economic activity that creates and maintains wealth.”……….. The classic work on Macroeconomics by John Maynard Keynes called “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” is notoriously difficult to read. It was my initial goal to attempt to read and fully understand Keynes’ work and then to produce a study guide of sorts, in order to make his concepts more accessible. This attempt turned into a major project that took years to accomplish. I believe the result of that effort, this book, captures the essence of the most important concepts Keynes discovered. However, in the process I discovered that, in order to properly understand those concepts, new definitions for currently used terms and new ways of organizing macroeconomic models are necessary. One might think that attempts to do so would just make everything more complicated and difficult to understand, but the opposite is true. The way of organizing and explaining the concepts shown in this book leads to the development of a comprehensive and fully consistent model of macroeconomics, a model that is actually easier to understand. I hope you will agree.


About the Author

Daniel Bright M.D.

I am a “self-taught economist”. By training and profession, I am a psychiatrist with undergraduate studies in physics and math. My interest in economics is organic. It simply grew out of daily struggles to survive and constant worries about money. Later in life, as a result of my profession, I was exposed to and affected by others, who were facing similar, and sometimes worse plights due to their economic situation. When I first heard about Keynes and looked into his work, it was like a bolt out of the blue. I can’t even remember exactly when that happened, or what I was reading, but all of a sudden everything changed for me. I was filled with a mixture of hope and anger, anger at what I and so many others have had to go through just to survive, and hope at the possibility of making a better world. That is the experience that led me to attempt to try to fully understand Keynes’ work, which effort culminated in this project. My studies on this topic were very ‘stop and go’ over the years, due to the challenges of life, work and family. It has taken a couple decades until I have gotten to the point of being able to publish this work. I hope you enjoy it and find what you learn to be useful in understanding economics.

Also by Daniel Bright M.D.

Keynes and the Trogoautoegocrat - Second Edition
A Critique of Modern Monetary Theory