The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

The Life and Teaching of Jesus of Nazareth

by Robert Primrose

The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

The Life and Teaching of Jesus of Nazareth

by Robert Primrose

Published Mar 11, 2021
461 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts


Book Details

How Can I Live Like Jesus?

How does one make sense of the life and teaching of Jesus? He describes a kingdom that is perfect and which he rules as king. His kingdom is still coming, yet we begin to live as its citizens now. He asks us to live like him. But how is that possible? Jesus did miracles routinely. He said he actually was God. He often faced deadly peril with perfect calmness, and at times he was fully aware of what was in other people’s minds. How can I live like that? It is this challenging, frustrating, marvelous, troubling, mind-blowing life and teaching of Jesus that we find in the gospel record, and that I have tried to make clear in these pages.


About the Author

Robert Primrose

Robert Primrose is a retired university professor who served for twelve years on faculty at Oral Roberts University (ten years as Chairman of the Communication Arts Department). He later joined the founding faculty of Daystar University, a new Christian university in Nairobi, Kenya, where he worked for fourteen years. He served at various times as Chairman of the Department of Communication Studies and Coordinator of Graduate Studies. Daystar now has about 5000 students, half of whom are in degree programs (bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees) that are accredited by the Kenya government. At various times, Dr. Primrose has served in a number of pastoral capacities in the United States and has taught adult Bible classes.

Also by Robert Primrose

Out of the Crucible
The Way of the Kingdom Part 1
The Way of the Kingdom Part 2
A Mighty Wind Begins to Blow